- Punctuality -
Students will arrive on time to lessons. Time missed as a result of tardiness will not be made up.
- Preparation -
Students will attend their lessons having studied and worked on concepts from the previous lesson. Students will be expected to learn and apply skills in reading musical notation and achieve basic piano competency. Students will arrive at their lessons with the necessary materials for a successful lesson (i.e. music, pencil, notebook, water bottle, recording device, etcetera).
- Communication -
Any changes, special requests, and/or issues must be communicated with the instructor in order to ensure the highest quality of student vocal development.
- Professionalism -
A professional demeanor will be observed by the student during their lessons and performances. Expectations include that students are: respectful, kind, trustworthy, clean, courteous, open to new ideas, etcetera. Failure to meet these expectations may result in dismissal (temporary or permanent) from the studio.
- Punctuality -
Lessons will begin and end on time. If it is agreed that lessons will run over time as a result of a need for continued exploration of a concept, no extra charge will be assessed. This will only occur provided that the studio schedule allows and the following student’s lesson time is not affected.
- Preparation -
Special care will be given to each student’s individualized instruction. Students will be assigned exercises and repertoire based on past progress and that align with current research in vocal development.
- Communication -
Any changes, special requests, and/or issues will be communicated directly with the student (and guardian where applicable) in a timely manner. Most communications will be verbal, but any written communication will be via email.
- Professionalism -
Each student will be treated with respect, kindness, and care for their individual needs and goals. Students can expect their instructor to always be generous, understanding, compassionate, caring, and focused on their individual growth as a musician and singer.